Wednesday, August 29, 2007

no pictures for a while (aka Karma's a Bitch)

i've been trying to figure out what i did to deserve this but someone, somewhere is rejoicing over how screwed i got this weekend.

saturday night: fabulous so far, it's about 11 and OTR is hopping. surrounded by friends, friends of friends, and trollied randoms, the night progresses. until i realize that my bag, heretofore chilling beside me on the bench, is gone. and along with it, everything in my life i hold dear. or need.
including, but not limited to, eyeliner, wallet (holding 4 credit cards, every i.d. i own, etc and ad nauseum) passport (natch, since i travel in 2 days) ipod (which had decided to start working again the day before) digicam, keys - to house and scooter.

29 hours later i was back in my own house, courtesy of the strappingest firemen i've ever noticed, who scaled my building and balcony, with me all damsel in distress-y. after having waited on the street corner for five hours (and not being spared a single harassment) and my trusty neighborhood friends, who laid out sleeping apparel and travel toothbrush and nursed me through the days. oh, made another policeman
friend - this one called me to see how things were going just before the firemen showed.

and thanks to the clientele and ownership of could never wish to be robbed at a better place. not only was there a full-scale mobilization to canvass the neighborhood, but when nothing turned up, everyone in sight contributed to the Get SXG Tanked fund.

yeah, karma's a bitch.


Blogger MicNic said...

But you still have your blog. They can never take that away from you.

Blogger Becky Flash said...

Yeah - I believe you can put this one in the debit column and expect a fat fuckin credit to come your way sometime soon.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ugh! while your digicam may be the least of your concerns given the missing cards, ID, etc., hope the photo "outage" won't be too long. i really dig your pics in and around rome.


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